My Story
Hi! I'm Christine, founder of Handmade by Christine and creator of all products
A little bit about me
Firstly, thank you for wanting to learn more about the person behind my products. They’re so personal to me and to those who own them that opening up to you about how I developed my designs is an important element behind the entire brand. Perhaps my story will resonate with yours, or that of someone close to you.
I started designing Handmade by Christine products after lockdown. I had previously worked in plant hire which is a very stressful and demanding industry.
After twelve years of daily pressures and long hours that impacted my wellbeing, I was left with a stream of mental health issues, triggers and insecurities. A famous quote attributed to Albert Einstein is that insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. That period of my life is summed up right there!
I woke up one Sunday morning with the name ‘Handmade By Christine’ in my head and decided it was time for me to make a change. I put myself on a course to learn how to make art with resin, and was hooked by its creativity and soulfulness.
Setting up a business with no safety net aged 42 was scary, but I love seeing my clients’ faces when they see their finished pieces and receiving notes of thanks and insights into their own stories.
I now have successful TikTok shops and partners through which my products are sold to thousands of followers, and accounts on Facebook and Instagram that are steadily growing my brand. These are good times where I feel I’m making a difference, and I’m delighted to be sharing my story with you.
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